How To Join ‘The Real Army’

As Tzivos Hashem launches its registration drive for the new year, a poster campaign aims to educate parents on what it really means to join.

Most people have heard of Tzivos Hashem, but few actually know what it means to join. As the army of Hashem launches its registration drive for the new year, a poster campaign aims to debunk all the myths out there.

“First of all, this is not a children’s club,” says Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum, director of Chayolei Tzivos Hashem. “In the words of our general, the Rebbe: ‘soldiers must realize that this is not a game. We belong to an army, established by Hashem, that depends on us for victory.’”

The Rebbe understood our generation better than anyone. “The root challenge of today’s youth,” the Rebbe writes in a letter, “is the lack of kabalos ol.” The solution? A system of discipline that kids readily take upon themselves. It’s Tzivos Hashem: the most powerful force in the world.

Every Jewish child is a soldier from birth, and in eight years of school they are trained by their Commanders (parents, teachers, counselors) in bases around the world. After Bar or Bas Mitzvah, army service doesn’t stop—it only gets more serious.

“What most people don’t realize,” says Weinbaum, “is that the whole purpose of creation lies in the hands of our youngest soldiers.”

With the Rebbe’s directives, Tzivos Hashem has designed a system that involves joining long-term military strategies called campaigns with daily, weekly, and monthly missions. As chayolim earn medals in each campaign, they advance in rank from Private all the way to Five-Star General. For extra incentive there are weekly, monthly and annual raffles, for inspiration there are monthly rallies, and for all the resources needed to conquer the world, there are weekly and Yomei Dipagra Hachayol magazines.

Every thought, word, and action, of a soldier affects the entire world. This is a real army, with real impact—will your child enlist?

Visit to register.

Sign up by this Friday, Chof Zayin Elul – September 7 to get $5 off.





